INTERVIEW - Between Folk and Black Metal: Folkheim Unveils the Behind-the-Scenes of Their New Single

In the ever-evolving landscape of metal, few bands manage to blend traditional roots with the intensity of black metal quite like Folkheim. With their latest single, "Y la herida se cerró de cansancio," the Chilean band delves deep into themes of cultural endurance and forgotten struggles. The song's powerful lyrics, paired with a visually captivating music video, reflect both a connection to their indigenous heritage and a bold exploration of urban survival. We sat down with the band to discuss the inspiration behind their new single, the creative process behind the music video, and how they navigate the unique fusion of folk and black metal in their sound.

Serial Metalbums: What is the inspiration behind the title of your new single "Y la herida se cerró de cansancio"? Is there a particular story or theme you wanted to convey through this song?

Folkheim: The abuse indigenous people has suffered in our country has lost interest for most people. Not for the indigenous peoples, they continue their struggle. The wounds have begun to close but not because peace. The wounds have begun to close because fatigue (La herida se cerró de cansancio)

Serial Metalbums: The music video for your single is visually striking. Can you tell us about the creative process behind making this video and how it reflects the music and lyrics of the song?

Folkheim: Thank you very much for your comments. The creative procces was made by Bastión Sur Prod. We see a woman (perhaps indigenous) who sees how her traditions and symbols are beginning to be forgotten. But then she seeks refuge in the city. We understand that life can develop in the forest as well as in the city. 

Serial Metalbums: Your music blends elements of Folk and Black Metal. How do you balance these two genres in your compositions, and what are the main influences that shape your unique sound?

Folkheim: Clearly, our influences come from Black Metal and mixed with Latin American sounds and rythms. Maybe that's the reason people in europe (and other places) thinks we have a different sound. It has been many years trying to find a unique sound in our music.  We still think have a lot of work to do to find that sound.

Serial Metalbums: Can you talk about the challenges you faced during the recording of this single and how you overcame them?

Folkheim: It was a quiet recording without many difficulties. We were clear about the sound we needed. The same with the whole album. The other songs are ready as well.

Serial Metalbums: How does this single fit into the evolution of your music compared to your previous works? Have there been any changes or developments in your sound or approach?

Folkheim: There is an evolution compared to other works, indeed. The reason? Because we don't have many albums. During the whole this years Folkheim's members has change their influences. 
That's probably the reason of our music evolution.

Serial Metalbums: What are your plans for the future after the release of this single? Is there a new album in the works or any tours planned to promote this new music?

Folkheim: In the next few months we will be releasing our new album. And now we are preparing the 2025 European tour. Next year we will have more information about that.

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