INTERVIEW - Scythrow: ''We Just Simply Wanted to Evolve our Sound to Pure Death Metal''


Scythrow, the four-piece band from Lappeenranta, Finland, has come a long way since their formation in 2020. Initially rooted in thrash metal, the band has gradually honed their sound, diving deep into the realms of chaotic death metal. Their EP Envy Is the Filth of the Soul marks a pivotal moment in their journey, offering the first glimpse into this brutal and uncompromising new direction. In this interview, Scythrow discusses the evolution of their music, the influences that shaped them, and their plans for an even darker future with the upcoming release of their debut full-length album.

Serial Metalbums: For those who aren’t familiar with Scythrow, could you introduce the band and tell us about how it was formed? How would you describe your musical style?  Can you tell us about the members of the band and their respective roles?

Scythrow: Scythrow is four men Chaotic Death Metal band from Lappeenranta, Finland. Formed in 2020 and was originally set out to play thrash metal, but during the years developed their Chaotic Death Metal sound. Scythrow's combinaiton of their rapid-fire blast beats, brutal chugging guitar riffs and the raw and wrathful vocals drags the listener into violent death metal experience. Now they are going to leap even deeper into the depths of chaotic and old school death with their upcoming full-lenght release, which will come out in the end of 2024.

Markus Erling - Guitar / Vocals
Arttu Muukkonen - Guitar / Backing Vocals
Nuutti Myllynen -
BassBenjamin Niemelä - Drums

Serial Metalbums: What inspired you to create the EP, Envy Is the Filth of the Soul?  What are the main themes explored in this EP? Tell us about the process of writing and recording this EP

Scythrow: We just simply wanted to evolve our sound to pure death metal. ''Envy is the Filth of the Soul'' ep is our first introduction to our new sound and what our upcoming full-length album can bring to your ears. Envy's themes focuses mainly on different ways to die and kill, the title track reproaches selfishness and envy.

We started to wrote the songs for Envy in the beginning of 2023 and we finished writing process in the end of spring. In summer we started to record the songs and we got recordings done faster than expected. Arttu mixed and mastered the tracks and it didin't take long when Envy was already out. We wanted to release the ep right away so people can explore our new sound.

Serial Metalbums: How would you describe the evolution of your sound from your previous two albums to this EP? and what are your main influences?  What feedback have you received from fans and critics about this EP?

Scythrow: We were like 15 years old when we started to play together, so our sound has experienced a lot of changes when we didin't fully know what we wanted to do. We started from thrash metal and ended up in death metal through melodic death thrash (If it has to be called by any genre).

Our main influences for Envy and our new music are Ohio's new death metal -scene and finnish death metal bands. Feedback what we have got is good, people says it sounds like death metal should and that's what we want to hear. We haven't got critic that much, few have said that there is nothing memorable in our music.

Serial Metalbums: What motivated you to re-release this EP with Brutal Cave Production in 2024?  Are there any differences between the original version and the re-released one?  How did your collaboration with Brutal Cave Production come about for this re-release?

Scythrow: Envy were originally released only in digital format. Brutal Cave Productions offered us releasing Envy in CD-format and we agreed, of course we want to do physical releases too. You can still go grab your copy from Brutal Cave Productions or our Bandcamp page!

Serial Metalbums:  What can we expect from Scythrow in the future? Are you already working on new projects or albums?  If you could collaborate with any artist or band, who would it be and why?

Scythrow: As we mentioned before, new album will be out in end of 2024 and it's going to be killer! Themes of the album will be more intensive and extensive. We have more shows also coming up, and album release shows of course. We'll continue doing our shit..


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