Album Of The Week: "Mortal Throne of Nazarene" by Incantation

This morning I woke up in the mood for something raw and heavy, and my thoughts went straight to American death metal band Incantation's second album, Mortal Throne of Nazarene.

What can I say about this recording? Mortal Throne of Nazarene is a powerful and raw album, the atmosphere is heavy and oppressive. (The album was re-released a year later under the name Upon the Throne of Apocalypse with a different mix and track order. Mortal Throne of Nazarene was not originally released to the public for reasons that remain unknown ). The guitars are razor-sharp, the drums and bass build a crushingly intense atmosphere, and the vocals hit with precision. A perfect album to satisfy my craving this week

My favourite tracks are Demonic Incarnate, Iconoclasm of Catholicism, The Ibex Moon and Abolishment of Immaculate Serenity; the latter is a long track with a disturbing atmosphere. Finally, if I may say so, a lot of doom metal elements are felt, due to the crunchy bass of the heavy atmosphere.

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