PRE-RELEASE REVIEW : An Iconic Taste of Demise by Suffering Souls

After their last album, In Synergy Obscene released in 2019, the Bavarian Symphonic black Metal band Suffering Souls returns with their fifth album, An Iconic Taste of Demise. This new born will be unleashed on May 31 via Fetzner Death Records and co-released with Satanath Records, the album has already begun to make a name for itself ! 

From the opening track, Idolum, listeners are immediately plunged into an atmosphere where darkness reigns supreme. The 55-minute album maintains a relentless rhythm, characterized by frenetic blast beats and fast riffs, all enveloped in an abyssal symphony. The screaming vocals enhance this dark ambiance. The virtuosity of the guitar solos adds a heavy touch, showcasing an impressive level of technical skill.

Among the album's absolute highlights, In the Order of Doom particularly, this flagship song explores variant musical nuances, starting with a very dark atmosphere that gradually evolves into dynamic guitar and drum rhythms, with meticulously crafted melodies. The vocal variations, alternating between high-pitched screams, choruses, and clean passages, bring remarkable depth and diversity to the composition. So captivating, this track deserved multiple consecutive listens.

Another notable track, A Touch of Evil Kindness, propels the listener into an intense soundscape experience. An Iconic Taste of Demise is a creation entirely composed by Lord Esgaroth, who successfully delivers an original and innovative symphonic black metal experience. 

Suffering Souls new album is a nuanced and masterfully structured piece of art. From fast rhythms to intense solos, through dark and blasphemous atmospheres, each element is meticulously crafted to offer an intense auditory experience. The variad vocals piercing screams and clean passages, add an additional dimension to this complex composition.

An Iconic Taste of Demise is undoubtedly an album to re-listen to and add to my collection for the year. With this new release, Suffering Souls once again confirms their indispensable place in the world of symphonic black metal.

Rating : 9,5/10

TO ORDER : Bandcamp - Fetzner Death Records

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