In the mysterious depths of the Republic of Tatarstan, a chilling wind carries the dark and captivating melodies of Ortha, an atmospheric Black Metal band from Kazan. With the recent release of their debut album, Возвращение (Vozvrashchenie). We had the honor of interviewing the creative force behind Ortha, Rafael Rafikov, delving into the inspirations and creative processes that birthed this remarkable album.
Serial Metalbums : Could you tell us about the inspiration behind "Возвращение"?
Rafael Rafikov : I was at strange point in my life, feeling lost and alone. Mountain hikes helped me to figure things out, along with psychotherapy. As a result I started making songs, taking inspiration from Saor, Panopticon and Moonsorrow, adding my emotions into musical landscapes.
Serial Metalbums : What are some of the challenges you faced in creating this album as a one-man band?
Rafael Rafikov : Honestly there weren't any big troubles. I am familiar with playing on all instruments I needed, so writing parts for drums, etc. was not hard. Writing lyrics also felt very relieving, almost easy. Everything went good.
Serial Metalbums : How would you describe your music on the album "Возвращение"?
Rafael Rafikov : "Возвращение" takes you from the lowest to the highest, then back. This is a journey with a start and an end, where you are trying to find the answers for some tough questions you've been asking yourself.
Serial Metalbums : What are your plans for the future of Orath?
Rafael Rafikov : I just want to be able to make music I like. If I will find suitable musicians for touring, this would be great. I love playing live, this gives another sort of good energy you won't receive while just writing or reording music.